Bible/Scripture Kingdom

Introducing Urban Prophet, Interesting Things That Jesus Said

Welcome welcome to everyone!!! Welcome to the Urban Prophet blog space!!!! I am very pleased to begin posting blogs and highlighting the different products related to our blog content and general site theme. Just in case you somehow missed it ( :D) Urban Prophet is all about the Kingdom of God and proclaiming the ruler of this Kingdom, Christ Yeshua Emmanuel aka Jesus Christ. Urban Prophet began as a tee shirt brand geared towards enabling wearers proclaim the Kingdom of God and related concepts without having to say a word,…

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Bible/Scripture Faith Guest blogger

“Sir, what kept you going those three days?”

Abraham is probably one of the most important patriarchs of the Jewish nation and a Faith Model to all believers in Christendom (the Father of Faith), that however is a story for another day. In my journey through the bible, I have never failed to make pit stops at Genesis Chapter 22 vs 1-19 and do my best to walk in Abraham’s sandals…feel the dry dusty wind brush past my face and the brays of donkeys, bleating of sheep and the daily bustle of over a 100 people form a…

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